MCR Annual General Meeting
Join us on Zoom to congratulate the newly elected Committee members and discuss what’s next for our vibrant community!
You can find the agenda and Zoom links in your inbox

Grad Hall
Pre-drinks and post-drinks in the MCR! Come celebrate reunions, Bumps, the nearing end of Term and the start of Lent, with great food and company.
Booking has now closed via Upay. Keep an eye for last minute sales on our Facebook group!

Ask a Post-doc
The MCR is excited to host two Junior Research Fellows, Dr Olivia Elder (Classics) and Dr Francesca Chada-Day (Physics), who will be speaking about the highs and lows of applying for postdocs and Oxbridge JRFs in particular. the MCR will be providing a little wine/soft refreshment. This will be a wonderful event with two awesome, engaged young scholars, so see you there!